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Products of Choice
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Enphase IQ8M micro inverter
Why We Use Only Micro-Inverters

As a company committed to providing our customers with the best solar panel systems available, we only use microinverters in our installations. Why? Because they are simply better than their string inverter counterparts.

One of the key advantages of microinverters is that they work on a panel-by-panel basis, which means that each panel is optimized for maximum energy output. With string inverters, the performance of each panel is tied to the performance of the entire system, which can lead to energy loss if one panel is not functioning optimally.

Additionally, microinverters are much more flexible in terms of system design. They can accommodate panels of different sizes, orientations, and shading patterns, whereas string inverters require panels to be connected in a certain way in order to work optimally. This means that microinverter systems can be customized to fit the unique needs of each individual customer, resulting in a more efficient and effective system overall.

At the end of the day, we believe that our customers deserve the best technology available. And in the world of solar panel systems, that means microinverters.

Micro-Inverters Provide
  1. Better energy production: Microinverters can improve the energy production of a solar panel system by up to 25% compared to string inverters. This is because microinverters allow each panel to operate independently, optimizing energy production even if one panel is shaded or has lower output.

  2. Enhanced monitoring: With microinverters, you can monitor the performance of each panel individually. This level of detail allows for quicker and more accurate troubleshooting of any issues that may arise, improving the overall performance of the system.

  3. Safer: String inverters require high voltage DC wiring, which can pose a safety risk during installation and maintenance. Microinverters operate at a lower voltage, making them safer to install and work with.

  4. Easier system expansion: If you want to add more solar panels to your system in the future, microinverters make it easier to do so. With a string inverter, adding more panels may require reconfiguring the entire system, while microinverters allow for more flexible expansion options.

  5. Durability and reliability: Microinverters are designed to be more durable and reliable than string inverters. With fewer components and no single point of failure, microinverters are less likely to fail and require less maintenance over time.

Sunket solar panel
Topcon Bifacial Solar Panels

We believe that everyone should have access to affordable, sustainable energy, and we are committed to providing our customers with the best products at the most competitive prices.

We never sacrifice quality for affordability, ensuring that our customers receive the best of both worlds.


Topcon full black bifacial solar panels are not only functional, but they also blend seamlessly with your roof, making them the perfect addition to any home or business. Glass/glass structure of these panels enable them to produce electricity on their bottom side from the reflected sunlight as well, providing a huge advantage over regular solar panels.

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